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        New Winding Analysis Software



This is an absolute "must have" for everyone  who deals with the design or repair of electrical induction machines. 

The tool is applicable to any kind of  three-phase windings (single or multi speed) and helps to determine the correctness of winding diagram before rewinding od manufacturing.
The software is multifunctional. Could be used to:
- verify the correctness of a particular winding (check the winding polarity) ,
- check the symmetry of windings  ( calculate the degree of asymmetry in the phase angles and the  phase magnitudes),

- check the symmetry of parallel circuits ( calculate the degree of asymmetry in the phase angles and the phase magnitudes),
- calculate the   fundamental winding factor,

- calculate a  whole spectrum of harmonics & subharmonics and their effect by calculating the winding factor and  partitipation (%),

- calculate the most important factor for the winding quality evaluation: the differential leakage coefficient.

These calculations and checks are absolutely essential in the design and calculation of  winding details of all induction machines and especially in special cases of unbalanced,  interleaved, interspersed,  sinusoidal, PWS, multi- speed: Dahlander, PAM, PPM windings etc.

Even in conventional lap winding this tool gives a more accurate results than any analytic method, especially in the case of winding with fractional number of slots per phase and poles, consequent connections, sinusoidal windings etc.

Here  is an example how to use this software in developing a new advanced winding.

In this moment, there is  the possibility of selling the source code with all rights for future sale.

If you are a representative of an organization that wants more information on the sale of the code, please complete the contact form.

If you need to check out  your particular winding, do not hesitate to ask a question in the contact form .



Some questions & answers on this topic

An interesting design: two speed (4/2 pole) winding in 32 slots, practically balanced

Such a design would never have been possible without the software for detailed analysis.

As you can see from the partial excerpt for this case, there are all the parameters required to calculate the winding.

2 pole:

2 pole:

Winding is practically balanced inspite the 32 slots

4 pole:

4 pole:

Winding is practically balanced inspite the 32 slots

 -   Eduardo from Brazil

 - Sometimes, in order to keep the same motor direction, the power supply voltage sequence must be changed when switching from one speed to another.

Is there any rule?

- There is no rule of thumb.

But our analysis software will show even this information. Using this software an answer is so obvious ( click on thumbnail  below).

If the colors of fundamental harmonic are the same (both are blue- CW or red-CCW), then supply is the same at both speeds. Otherwise, the voltage sequence should be changed when switching from one speed to another.

6 pole

6 pole

4 pole

4 pole

(Consulting Agency)

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