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For Motor Designers and Winders


How to design a three-phase symmetrical winding in cases where the number of slots per pole per phase (q) is less than 1?

By applying this simple procedure, you will be able to solve numerous diagrams of such kind, for instance, the 30-pole winding in 72 slots (illustrated below).

Keep in mind that such windings are often used in induction motors for cranes, hoists, elevators, as well as in a wide range of applications in permanent magnet motors.

Our new PDF publication, consisting of 7 pages, explains how to design a three-phase two-layer symmetric winding in the case where the slot per pole per phase (q) is less than 1, for example, 24 slots and 10 poles. This simple procedure can be applied to all symmetric windings with q<1 and is the easiest design approach suitable even for both inexperienced designers and winders.

The explanations are detailed, step-by-step.

You can purchase the publication at the provided link.


(Consulting Agency)

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