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Amp readings vary very widely

Updated: Apr 24, 2020

It already happened to you? You're about to test the motor just repaired in your workshop. But, the Amp readings you got, vary widely. Why? You are sure that: - All the coils & phase windings have the same number of turns, - Power supply voltage is OK, ie. all three voltages are almost the same , - The ohm readings for each phase winding are the same or nearly the same. Usually, you are forced to deliver such a motor without knowing its true condition. Why the Amps readings are so unbalanced? Is it caused by power supply or new winding? How to solve this puzzle? Despite all the above, the cause may be in the motor winding. We can help you to find a right cause, which probably differs from case to case. Therefore, in order to get a clear picture, it is necessary to describe in detail the winding that has been used and provide detailed information on executed measurements (Volts, Amps, Ohms).

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What is the general procedure that you have to spend in such a case?

First step:

- To be determined whether the source of current unbalance is the motor or the power supply network. This is very easy to determine.

Second step:

- Once, if it was determined that the problem is in the motor, we have a harder part of the task, because the causes can be very different. We can recommend some additional measurements that can facilitate the task....

To be continued.

(Consulting Agency)
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