First, review an explanation on our web site.
Although the data submitted by us are obtained from reliable sources, we do not give any guarantee and do not accept responsibility for any personal, professional or financial risk or any resulting injury, accident or loss as a result of using our information. Any information obtained by us ( diagrams, calculations, winding details) should only be implemented by professional and fully qualified electrical engineers using their own professional judgment and due regard to health and safety issues. Using data obtained by us is solely at your own risk.​
The calculation will be performed for the air-cooled, three-phase motors for continuous duty cycle S1, standard efficiency, 50 or 60 Hz, SF= 1.00, lap or concentric, single or double-layer, for the maximum power from the given iron core.
Please, provide as much info as possible, in order that we'll be able to make a reliable calculation.
This service is not free of charge.
Submit needed info and explain in detail what you need and we'll get back to you with our offer/ price in advance. Prices are starting from 20 USD upward per calculation or diagram and depend on motor power and complexity of windings.
Payment is via PayPal using any credit card with no additional transfer fees to you. Note, you don't have to have your own PayPal account.
First of all, the accuracy of calculation or diagram depends on input data provided by yourself.
The success of the repair depends entirely on your work, expertise, material quality, testing etc.
Any information obtained by us ( diagrams, calculations, winding details) are just a propositions and should be considered and implemented only by professional and fully qualified electrical engineers using their own professional judgment and due regard to health and safety issues.
Pay attention especially in case of a winding redesign, poles-change for example. In some rare cases, it happens that the new number of poles is not suitable for a particular number of rotor bars, which is impossible to determine in advance.
Using data obtained by us is solely at your own risk.​
The onus in on you.
Once you have received our information you paid for (data calculation report or diagram), it is considered you've seen and consumed our service and there is no way to quit and ask for a refund.
Use our service only if you agree with these terms.
- Our documents will include a copyrighted material intended for your use only.
- Unauthorized use or reproduction, sharing, selling or any kind of publishing, even partial, it's not allowed and will be pursued by the therms of law.
Pay only if you agree with these terms.
Copyright holder: ACW-BiH
Explore our purchase list here.
Access to our Balanced 3ph Winding Design tool- (for our existing clients only)
two Calculations-L-Standard (92 USD)
WdgCollection700Diagrams - 65 USD
Winding Diagram Collection Ch-1000 - 155 USD
ACW,100WdgDiagrams - 68 USD
WindingDiagram-simple (26 USD)
PDF publication: How to determine the beginnings of 3phase winding-47 USD
Calculation-S-Standard (29 USD)
Calculation-MS-Standard (35USD)
Calculation-M-Standard (39USD)
Calculation-L-Standard (46 USD)
Calculation-XL-Standard (55 USD)
Calculation-XXL-Standard (70 USD)
Calculation-XXXL-Standard (99 USD)
By pressing the "Buy Now" button you undertake the terms above.
Let us know when the payment is done.